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Misconceptions in Astrology: MANGLIK DOSHA

As an astro counsellor, generally I hear some quotes from the people about certain yogas (planetary combinations) and planets, which are percieved to be dangerous and, even life threatening.


Manglik dosha (a combination formed by the placement of Mars [Mangal] in the natal chart). It is believed that, it can create havoc in the married life of a person.

Shani (Saturn) is refered as a dangerous planet by the common people and even most of the astrologers. Shani's mahadasa, Shani's sade-saati, Shani Dhayiya etc are the terms which rob the night's sleep of a person once told about them.

Rahu-Ketu are the planets which also fall in the same catagory of creating terror in the mind of a common man.

Birth in Moola nakshtra is another hyped yoga about it's inauspiciousness.

This list is long.
In this article, I am focussing on one of the most hyped and frightening yoga, MANGLIK DOSHA.
The objective is to give a right picture about this combination (yoga). I am not writing the technical aspects of astrology regarding this yoga. I am mentioning certain facts which a common man should know, to avoid falling prey to the myths.
Please note, a knowledgeable astrologer can only ascertain certain impacts because, he weighs other aspects of the horoscope before reaching to a conclusion in a given case.

  As per the classical texts of vedic astrology, if Mangal (Mars) is placed in I-II-IV-VII-VIII-XII houses of the horoscope, and/or in the same houses relative to Chandra (Moon) and/or, Shukra (Venus), the person is having MANGLIK DOSHA. 

This yoga is also known as Kuja Dosha.


The married life is filled with problems and sorrows in some form or other like, lack of mental compatibility between the life partners which may result in divorce or mutual separation or quarrelsome situations may/may not be accompanied with violence, health of either of the life partner suffers, widowhood/widowerhood, delay in marriage etc.
In nutshell, married life lacks bliss.

  • Horoscope matching and, selecting a partner with Manglik Dosha to nullify the effect.
  • Specific propitiatory measures in the form of vedic rituals to be done before marriage.
  • Propitiating Mangal (Mars).
The Truth:

As per my learning, first of all, the functional nature of the planet in a horoscope should be ascertained. This refers to the role, planet has taken in that horoscope along with it's natural qualities.

Hence, if Mangal (Mars) is having beneficial role in the horoscope then, it will not be harmful. Due to his natural qualities of being dominant and aggressive, the same will be reflected in the nature of the person.

The strength of the planet depends on many factors like, avastha (age of the planet in a particular zodiac sign), ruler-ship, placement, conjunction and aspects by other planets. Also, the placements in divisional charts also ascertain the strength.
The strength of the planet plays an important role in the results it will give. A strong beneficial Mangal (Mars) will bless the native with courage, initiative, position of authority, muscular built, stamina, passion, tenacity etc. A strong Mars also gives a keen observation and memory. 

Most of the astrologers are devoid of knowledge or ignore the fact that, there are MANGLIK YOGA CANCELLATION yogas in the chart which must be ascertained first.

As per my observations, most of the charts can be categorized as Manglik charts as per the classical definition but, the GOOD NEWS is, majority of them are having the cancellation of MANGLIK DOSHA, which are often ignored by most of the astrologers. Father of Vedic Astrology Sage Parashara has enumerated various yogas (combinations) of cancellation of MANGLIK DOSHA in Brihat Prashar Hora.

During the matching of the horoscopes, I subscribe to the idea of analysing the horoscopes of both girl and boy, separately. Ascertain the longevity of both of them. Also check the factors ruling their married lives, individually. I check few things in individual horoscopes, which are most important:
  • Longevity
  • Factors affecting the married life and it's happiness
  • Mahadasa sequence
Then the second thing, I see, are the balancing factors in the horoscopes like, factors which are weak in boy, must be strong in girl's natal chart and, vice versa. Mahadasa periods of adverse planets should not be overlapping (as far as possible). Then, if Mangal or other planets being the functional malefic, what are the other factors which are neutralizing those impacts(cancellation yogas and other factors of aspects & conjunctions etc).

If all the factors are falling in place, marriage will be happy.
Please do not be afraid. Get the horoscopes objectively analysed before reaching to a final conclusion.

I also appeal to the fellow practitioners to avoid such omissions and, give the right advise to their clients.

There is a suggestion to the people; believe in God and pray to be directed to the right person at the right time for the advise.

Have a peaceful and joyful time...


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  1. I agree. Problem is with the clients, who do not follow the astrological rules. It is saidm whenever you visit astrologer give him his fees in advance in term of Cash, fruits and sweet. None does it. Like when we go to doctor we give his fees as prescribed without any problem. so he advises you correctly.
    But in astrology people do not give prescribed fees and avoid to give all the time.
    Hence astrologer show snake, so due to fear one will be forced to pay, even ten time more than fees by means of Kuja pooja, Bhakoot puja etc.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Manglik non manglik marriage solution - Mangal dosha is one of the major deciding factor in Hindu marriages. A manglik marrying a non-manglik is considered disastrous which can even lead to death of one's partner. Are you manglik and looking for solution? Do you have mangal dosha in your horoscope/kundali? Use our mangal dosha calculator to check the presence of manglik dosh in your birth chart. Vedicastroyug offers all kinds of services and solutions for manglik dosh online in Delhi NCR. For more visit: best astrologer in Delhi NCR


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