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Showing posts from February, 2016

You forget yourself

Have we ever thought that, our own success can teach us principles of being successful? Read this article... SUCCESS is a buzz word in today's fast track world. We are running since morning till night in search of success. Lot of pages have been written on this most important ingredient of our self esteem. Lot many philosophies and ideologies revolve round this but, the truth is, success is having different definitions for all of us in different situations of our life. I read a book recently where the writer pointed out the important point; We succeed in every moment . Even rising live in the morning and getting to bed again after facing the entire day is the success. So, success is not having a fixed definition. It varies. In childhood, getting that win in street game was the success and, scoring first division in class tenth got to another level of success. Getting a good job, married to a loving partner, starting a family