Are you fearful? Do you feel unsafe? Do you delay decisions due to the thoughts not even understandable by you? Do you try to make choice of those things which are familiar to you, and trying something new gives you apprehensions? The list is long but the central idea is, we live with Fears. The fear which could impair our cognitive ability is called Phobia. The fears have become the part of our day to day life, and we have become so used to, that we could not recognize the actual thought which bothers us and why? Are fears and phobias only related to physical reality around us? The answer is NO. The actual fear is not about the physical reality we experience every moment, rather, fear is a basic emotion related to ‘safety’ only. All the fears could be categorized into following five categories: Loss of life and health Loss of loved ones Loss of finances and assets Loss of reputation and control One’s own ability to achieve anything Why do...
'Divine Route' is the route to our own soul. Our soul which has originated from the unconditional love, and it is the divine energy but, in the process of evolution, it lost it's way, and thus the identity of being the unconditional love itself. We are all in the search of ourselves...and this journey is on...