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Astrology and Energetic patterns

‘Astrology’ is a science which predicts about the events in this universe related to all livings and non-livings, based on the positions of the planets in the zodiac.
There is a debate on the validity of it.

A group of intellectuals says that, when every planet is made up of natural elements like the earth then how do they affect us? How is it possible that something light years far affect us? In this era of scientific discoveries and inventions, they refer it as a superstition.

Another group of intellectuals advocates it. They refer it as the science of divinity. The sages have written the laws of astrology through divine knowledge. They defend it by saying that, what about those thousand of predictions which come true?

This debate is endless. Each one of us has an individual call on this subject.

Today, in this article I am putting a theory which is based on my own understanding on the subject since last 15 years.

We all understand that this universe is energy itself. In physics we have studied ‘Law of conservation of energy’ which states that, energy is neither be created nor destroyed, it changes from one form to another.

What happens when life takes birth? Every creature is the energy, as we call it ‘life energy’. The entire process of birth starts from the process of exchange of energy. What happens when we die? This life energy goes out of us. Everything around us, living and non-living represents a certain set of energies.

How does astrology connect to this theory?

The horoscope which is drawn for the date of birth, time of birth and place of birth is the map of the energetic configuration of an individual. Planet is the representation of certain energy. For example, the Sun represents the general vitality that is the life energy of an individual. It represents the self image of a person. It represents Father who gives us birth. A strong Sun in the horoscope is an asset as the person will have a good self image and thus would know how to respect and value others. At the same time, an afflicted Sun in the natal chart will show arrogance, less of vitality and low self image.

Same way, the other planets represent the certain energies. In the horoscope, which captures the zodiacal positions of the planets at the time of birth, represents the energy patterns acting in person’s life. The various zodiacal positions of the same planet vary the nature of the energy represented by the planet. For example, a planet in the 8th house is said to be weak and causing obstruction but, the same planet occupying the 10th house may bestow the individual with a rewarding career (depending on the other influences on it).

Hence, when we see the positions of the planets individually and relative to other planets, we deduce the resultant energetic patterns of that individual, which affects each and every sphere of his life, be it personality, attitude towards family and society, health, sense of responsibility and accountability and everything in one’s life.

Now, when we study the mundane affairs by applying astrology like, weather, politics, world affairs etc, we study the energies involve there and the resultant will be the prediction for the situation in question.

As earth energies keep on changing, thus we have different events happening on this planet as well as the universe. Beneficial energetic patterns do result in happy events and malefic patterns bring disasters and distress.

It is interesting, that; same event could be beneficial for somebody and adverse for another. It is due to the fact, as an individual energetic bundle we interact with the other patterns of energy (other individuals and situation) and the resultant could be different for every individual.
Close interaction of energies take place in our family where our origin has some commonality but patterns are different. Thus, we are close to some members of our family while enematic relations are also observed at the same place in some relationships.

Thus, when a horoscope of an individual is studied, we study the patterns of energy of that individual and the impact of the other patterns of energy on him, thus the life patterns he/she will live in this incarnation.

So, next time consulting an astrologer with your horoscope, you are asking him to study your patterns of energy and interaction of the same with the surrounding patterns of energies and the resultant of it.

Have a peaceful and cheerful week ahead…


Krisa Advisory Service


  1. It is general tendency of us humans to reject anything which we don't understand. Without reading and understanding the subject rejection is nothing but pure ignorance. So their rejection should be neglected and forgiven Probably they are not aware of that lots of scientist, doctor, engineers and other professional have studied it and are practicing as profession. From the earliest time Newton, Einstein, Plutoni etc were also astrologer along with doing research in scientific fields. You being astrologer would know that such people have to suffer and undergo the rigorous karma theory, hence scoff the astrology and astrologer as hocus- pocus.. The light to dark tunnel of future is held by an astrologer, if rejected, then suffering as per prabdha would surely happen to them. .In any case Law of Karma has to prevail so why to bother.


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