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Meditation, known as ‘Dhyan’ in yoga is the spiritual way to connect with the inner-self.

Dhyan yoga (meditation) is one of the highly ranked branches of the yoga shastra (yoga literature). Generally our understanding about meditation is that, one has to sit passively and then think nothing. It is a way to put our thoughts at rest and, that gives connect to the inner self.

In my practice of meditation since 1991, I adopted different schools of meditation which have two major categories; a. Eastern school b. Modern Western school

Eastern school of meditation promotes the idea of passive meditation. It suggests to put your conscious at the rest to connect to the sub-conscious leading to the super-conscious (Turiya avastha, the deepest level of meditation known as samadhi).

Modern Western school of meditation suggests direction to the thought known as Dynamic meditation. It promotes to visualize the out-come one desire in life. It also takes one to the deepest levels with practice. Western school promotes the idea of being the creator. The most famous of this is ‘Jose Silva’s dynamic mind control methods’.

My thought goes to a point, is meditation mere a method to connect to our inner-self?
Is it essential to sit in a posture to do it? The answer is ‘NO’.

Meditation is a focus. Focus on something in life. It is not always one meditates when he/she sits and closes eyes and does the process. The person is meditating on his aim if the focus is sharp and undivided.

Every creation in this universe is the result of meditation itself. The benchmarks of success achieved by human beings are the result of meditation on their core objectives. Be it Mr. Sachin Tendulkar who is the living legend in the history of cricket or Mr. Admand Hilary who was first to reach Mount Everest. Be it Gandhi ji whose core objective was independent India or Arjun in Mahabharat who was the archer of the highest degree. Be it is the team of scientists behind the success of Mangal Yaan or the team of volunteers who rescued thousands of people in Kedarnath. All are the classic examples of focus on what they wanted to achieve, and this focus was ‘Meditation’ they did on their core objective of that time. 

So, when we say, focus is must for the achievement, it is actually we are talking about the importance of meditation.

So, meditate on your aim, it will become the reality very soon…


Krisa Advisory Service


  1. I differ with your school of thoughts. You are talking of external world but dhyan or meditation is not about it, The basis of Dhyan is to connect to inner self without any desire and continue with task ie. Kabir, Gurunanak, Meera, Raidash etc.have shown the path. It is not of achieving but abandoning it for higher goal. Remember when you something (Laxmi) it becomes your servant but the moment greed come we lost. All the best.

    1. Ajay sir, I totally agree with your thought. Dhyan is totally a journey towards one's inner self. The idea is, one who is not doing it, even though one is so concentrated on something worthy, he is also making a journey towards inner self but I see it as a different route. In dhyan yoga we have Bhaya tratak where one is concentrating on some physical point. Concentration as a whole on something is nothing but a meditation, which connects with sub-conscious. That is why, all great people in this world who have contributed to the humanity were dedicated and focus on what they did, and thus they came up with something unique so that it became a school of thought in itself. Thank you so much for this contribution to this article and kindly keep sharing your valuable thoughts with us in future too. Regards.


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