Are you fearful?
Do you feel unsafe?
Do you delay decisions due to the thoughts not even
understandable by you?
Do you try to make choice of those things which are
familiar to you, and trying something new gives you apprehensions?
The list is long but the central idea is, we live with
Fears. The fear which could impair our cognitive ability is called Phobia.
The fears have become the part of our day to day life,
and we have become so used to, that we could not recognize the actual thought
which bothers us and why?
Are fears and phobias only related to physical reality
around us?
The answer is NO.
The actual fear is not about the physical reality we
experience every moment, rather, fear is a basic emotion related to ‘safety’
All the fears could be categorized into following five
- Loss of life and health
- Loss of loved ones
- Loss of finances and assets
- Loss of reputation and control
- One’s own ability to achieve anything
Why do we experience fear and phobias? Do they have a connection
with our past lives?
If we date back to the early stages of human
evolution, the mind of the human being was a clean slate. During the process of
evolution, logic became the only way to survive. The interaction of human with
the nature gave the perspective of 'safe and unsafe'. Those emotions, experienced
at the time of event printed on the soul and, became the belief. It became
such a strong print that, as souls we started living with those belief
systems and referred as the criteria for the decision making process.
A person came across the opportunity to do business.
The opportunity was good and he made up his mind to try his hands. But, he was
getting a doubt on the success of it. That doubt refrained him to take a
decision and start.
When healing of past life was done, and events were
seen, he was found as a roman solider. At some point of time, in that life, he
thought to give up his job as a solider and enter in a business of his own. He
did business of selling holy literature (something analogous to book in that
era). He failed miserably into it. He and his family suffered financially and
had a very hard time.
The beliefs came to soul from that life:
- Leaving job is unsafe financially for me and my family
- Business is unsafe financially for me and my family
- I can never get success in business
- I could never make the right choice
- I should never trust my choice
- My choice is unsafe for me
Now, these beliefs were healed. The person later on
moved to that venture.
The question arises, why does this situation of doing
business come in this life?
The answer was, the soul wanted to learn the lessons
in the areas of self control and making the right choice. The past life fears
were so heavy that it were making the person fearful in this life when the opportunity
came, due to past life beliefs.
We can understand it with an analogy. Suppose one fails in a subject again and again. The
belief goes that it is difficult to pass the examination of that subject.
As it is imperative to pass that subject, that person
once again decides to prepare and pass that examination. As the time approaches
the date of examination, due to the old belief, the person starts getting
tension and fails again.
Same thing happens to our souls too. In this eternal
journey, the soul has to pass through and learn the different emotions thoroughly
before going to the highest level of its evolution, but due to past belief it
fails and keeps failing till it succeeds.
Fears are the major constraints in our real growth and
past life healing could be the best remedy available to dissolve the fear and
marching ahead…
Have a wonderful and cheerful last weekend of 2013…
Krisa Advisory Service
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