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Joy in growth

Yesterday morning I read a good morning message on whats app. That message was a common belief which was in context of ‘growth can only be achieved by facing problems and challenges’.
I usually do not respond to such messages but, I chose to respond it to the sender. After sending the response, something clicked inside me and brought me to awareness, that, it is a common belief we are so much aligned that, we cannot think of our growth until we face challenges, struggle and feel it hard to get through.
Is it really the order of our evolution? Is it the code of growth? Or the time has already changed and we are yet to acknowledge the changes happened around us and, inside us?
I contemplated a little on it and found good patterns of joy in learning leading to growth already in place.

The play-way schools and the changing workplaces

Remember those days when a strict guru ji with a stick in hand was all around to ensure the learning. Schools were not that fancy even for nursery class. I remember my days of starting with the school. In my memory it was not fancy and teachers were not playful and making learning fun. Yes, they were very helpful and soft in behavior.

When my elder daughter started education in 2004 from a play-way school, her class was so beautiful and, she learned with games. The standard has gone up many folds till now. Today I see children all around and they know so much in these classes which is more than what I knew in the same class.
It points out one major transformation happened in the spiritual choices made by our next generation is; they have already chosen joy in learning.

I observe the children (class VIII and above), as I interact with them, they are free in expression. Parents seem to be more worried about their future and, that expression is reflected in the confused state of the children too but, if the child given an option to choose with an assurance from the parent, they choose without fear. They choose what they love to do.

While doing counseling of the children, I find that, they are in great pressure of the parents, who in turn are in great pressure of their own fears and social circle. We adults are still carrying the quote mentioned in the start of this article, deep in our subconscious thus acting in the same way which we have lived so far and, still living.

I started thinking beyond the play way schools and shifted my thoughts to the work place. The corporate environment has also seen changes. The office environment has been made to diffuse the pressure of work by providing many facilities to relax during the work. Though in India, it is still to catch speed, the corporate sector has stepped up dissolve the boundaries in hierarchy to facilitate faster communication and giving choice wherever possible.

I read an article on internet few months back which talked on the challenges for human resource manager in 21 century. The article concluded on the one challenge that is, integration of millennial employee with the one who is not. It means, the children born after 1990 and more so in late 90s and after, have grown in digital era and more apt with the technology have a different mindset and style of working than the populations of employees who are 70s, 80s born. There is an emotional gap which brings workplace conflicts. 

It points further how the energies are shifting towards realizing the joy and love we are. Confusions are more for those who are transiting from old to new. 

I am a behavioral trainer by profession and, my major challenge in my session is to design fun based activities to make session more engaging. So, again, the underlying thought is ‘fun and joy’.

In the end of this thought process, I concluded, the energies of this planet are shifting every moment to discover our root, that is, the LOVE we are, thus the joy, we are naturally born as. 

We need to understand that, what we are and, ready to recognize, will come in front of us. We may deny due to our age old conditioning. What transforms, shall be evident either as our acceptance of it or, as our struggle against it due to non-acceptance.

Accepting this transition and witnessing the transformation inside and all around will show us our truth; THE JOY WE ARE.

Have a joyful week ahead, and growth every moment.


  1. Totally agree with your thoughts here. Good read


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