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Life's Issues: Way to go...

The root of the life's issue is difficult to understand. We accept them without knowledge, as our destinity, and keep cursing ourselves and the almighty.

Read this article on how one should understand the root cause of the issue and, the role of Astrology and Past life therapy in this journey of understanding ourselves.

A few weeks back, I wrote for the 'purpose of incarnation'. It is a truth revealed now, that, we choose our incarnation with a divine purpose. We have several dues of joys and unlearned lessons, both chosen in this life.

We seldom want to see the causes of joys, but the misery makes us shake. We feel restless and miserable to a level of suffocation in the situation, and thus we seek answers. It is our system of belief that, we have done something bad in our past lives and thus, we have to face the results of bad karma in the form of miseries in different aspects of our life.

As we have understood that choice is solely ours, thus it becomes more difficult to accept. It becomes a big question on our intellect on making such a choice and thus, we reject. We come in non-acceptance of the choices and thus, want to get rid of it.

'Getting rid of ' never happens, though we think we are successful many times. It is only defying or escaping from that karma, which in some way comes back, rather with more intensity.

Wisdom says that it must be faced, but with an understanding. Understanding the reasons and the growth hidden in it.

There is a great confusion that, everything is fixed, thus, we can never do anything about it.

I think, we must first understand it.

The situations which present themselves before us are those which have our hidden growth. Now, in our past lives, we faced similar situations, but failed to learn from them. Thus the situations are chosen again in the current life to imbibe lessons from them. Because, the situations will certainly be challenging, so, as per the past life experiences we tend to behave in same way as we behaved in past and thus, fear and rejection come to surface. We again try to escape from the situation.

Let us take an example:

Suppose a man gets into a business and fails. He tries for a couple of times but fails. At the same time, the scenario is always there where he is left with the only option of business for his living.

Now, there could be many possible reasons for it and, thus the hidden lessons. 

1. He failed in business in past lives.
2. He never wanted to try the other ways of living thus chose a lifetime to learn this lesson
3. He shyed away in connecting with the masses and thus chose this life time to do the same.

The list is endless.

Now, the hidden lesson if understood and then proper plan is made for a step by step movement into the venture, then, the success will come.

A question arises, how to go about it?

There are many ways to do it.

1. Your own faith in almighty and taking the patterns of your life as the divine message. Through meditation, consultation with the guru (preceptor) can help to take the step ahead.

2. Astrology can immensely help in this area.

Considering astrology mere a predictive science is a missing link in our knowledge of this divine science. A horoscope or a question chart is the projection of our current energies as 'future'.

At the time of birth, the birth chart reflects the choices made before choosing the incarnation. These choices were made in divine order of our eternal journey. A deeper analysis of horoscope applying the various principles can help to outline these areas of choices.

An astrologer must act as a counsellor to help understand this divine order.
Astrology must not be projected as a predictive science only. It is JYOTISH – the illumination of the path of our life.

An astrologer must explain the karma to the person. Sanchit Karma, Arjit Karma and Agami Karma are the three categories of karma.     

Sanchit Karma (accumulated actions) is the account one carries forward from past lives. These are the projections we see in our horoscope majorly as fix component like, the family we born, spouce we choose, children born to us, friends and foes, condition of health at the time of birth etc.

Arjit Karma (required actions) is the actions we do in this life and the results of it. Arjit Karma has a lot of components to impact our ongoing account of Sanchit Karma. These actions help us to learn lessons which we have chosen out of our Sanchit Karma. Thus, they are in our control. A good spiritual guidance in some form can help to make the journey on the chosen path.

Astrology is a way to know and take guidance. Understand one thing, prediction of some event is the forecast of the situation one will be involved. It does not say that one has to passively face it. It needs dynamic approach to the situation. Astrological remedies in such cases do help to make this journey smooth and brings acceptance. No Astro remedy can ever claim that it will prevent the situation. It has only the ability to modify the situations to an extent where one can go through it, if, the going is tough.

There are certain situations which are fixed and one has to face through them while many situations have the component of modification through actions. An experienced astrologer can help to understand this aspect.

Agami Karma (future actions) are the actions which one will do in future. An advise on this part can help a lot in smoothening of the journey. It can help to do the action in awareness and thus with understanding.

This is the reason, I call myself an Astro counselor because, my sole moto is to equip the person with the positive outlook for the future and doing the actions in present time in total awareness.

Remedies are prescribed to help in warding off the piercing heat of the karma to an extent, and going forward.

3. Past Life Therapy – Healing (Serenity Surrender) is the healing modality which helps to understand the current situation from our previous lives. A powerful, effective and safe methodology helps to align our energies in the present moment to impact our Arjit and Agami Karma.

The awareness level increases and the karmic patterns are dealt at deep subconscious levels. It is effective for all age groups and, in all the aspects of life like personality, health, career, finances, relationships, phobias, addictions etc.

This modality has helped many people to understand their choices and finding peace in their current situation with possible solutions.

Have a time full of awareness,


For consultation, write to


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