“Why is it happening with me?” A common question flashes in our mind, especially when we pass through a rough patch of our life. Usually we console ourselves by believing it to be the wish of God. We find ourselves helpless and just wait with a faith that even this will pass away or surrender to the situation where we perceive that solution is out of question/reach. The situation at work place, relationships, financial condition, health issues, and numerous concerns pester us in our entire life. It is melioration that most of us do search to appease the situation by some way or other. The question is; why does it happen? We need to understand that, we are souls in our physical bodies. We are on an eternal journey of evolution. This evolutionary process progresses every moment and offers us the choice. It is we who choose in every moment. In this process of choice we create certain beliefs which are carried life after life. These are known as KARMA. These ...
'Divine Route' is the route to our own soul. Our soul which has originated from the unconditional love, and it is the divine energy but, in the process of evolution, it lost it's way, and thus the identity of being the unconditional love itself. We are all in the search of ourselves...and this journey is on...
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