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How to be LUCKY?

How to be lucky?

1. Kindly read it full.
2. Follow every step. Do not skip steps.
3. Never do it in hurry, be relaxed and arrange some time before doing it.
4. Source of this article: Miracle Metaphysics by B.Stone
5. Based on the self experience.

All of us want to be lucky. Who is lucky ? The one who always gets better chance in life to move on.

Here is a meditative exercise. Kindly do all the steps without hurry, and do not skip a step.

1. Sit comfortably somewhere with little silence

2. Close your eyes, and take few deep breaths to relax.

3. Start visualization

4. See yourself infront of a big carnival

5. Visualize the gate of the carnival.

6. See a big board on the enterance of the carnival, written with "Carnival of Life"

7. You have a bag with you

8. As you enter the carnival, you see lot of stalls there. These stalls are offering the games of chance on which every win will give you a prize.

9. You play your first game (some game you know like, shooting the balloons, hitting the numbers, thambola, etc

10. Every time you win, you get a prize. You move one stall to another and play a different game of chance.

11. You play many games of chance and, win prizes. You have a bag with the prizes you win.

12. You come out of the carnival, and the board is still there with " Carnival of Life" written on it.

13. End your visualization. Open your eyes. Feel relaxed, calm and happy
Now answer the following questions:

Q1. How much big is the bag you carried in the carnival ? Big/Medium/Small
Q2. How many games you played ? How many you won ?
Q3. Did you choose your prize or you accepted the prize given to you after you won?

The answers to the above questions reflect how and what do you think for your chances in life.

Q1. (Ans) The size of the bag tells your expectations in life
Q2. (Ans) The number of games you won shows your own worthiness to succeed in the game of life
Q3.(Ans) If you never chose your prize after winning, it shows less of faith on own deserving.

Now, repeat the entire exercise step by step with little modifications:
1. Have a bigger bag
2. Win every game you play
3. Demand the prize you want and, you always get it.

This metaphysical exercise if done daily increases the chances in the life gradually. It is not a magic but, increases your intent to manifest what you desire in life in the best and the highest way.



  1. Diligence is the mother of good luck..

  2. Luck is the past balance of Karmas can not increase or decrease, it is like saying how to forge your past entries from your Bank Pass Book.Change your behave and do good karmas to have present good entries, it can be done by every body even in his bad times due to negative previous entries.


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