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Showing posts from October, 2015

Can I know the purpose of my life ?

Spiritual analysis of horoscope, and Past life therapy (Serenity Surrender) can help a lot in understanding the purpose of your human incarnation. Either of them or combination of both, can help to know oneself better and get directions in life for better experience in this birth. Read this post for more ... All of us wonder sometimes; Why have I come to this earth?    What is the purpose of my life? What am I suppose to do here? Why do I always get disgrace from my near and dear ones? Why am I getting frustrated in my career though I have changed it many times? ...and many more such queries nag our mind sometimes when we feel stuck. It is a divine fact, that, we are souls, and physical body is the way to evolve. We are soul taking human experience. Experience made our perceptions, and perceptions further impact our experience. This path is being tread since the time immemorial. All these experience and ...